TCA Architecture

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Zero NET Energy Fire Station - The First in the Country

We are thrilled to have served as Fire Station Specialty Architects on the fantastic team who brought this project from concept to reality for Salt Lake City. When designing fire facilities, we always want to keep in mind how a new civic facility will contribute to its community, in terms of emergency response, resiliency and sustainability.  Seeing the first Zero Net Energy Fire Station in the country operating as anticipated is a huge accomplishment for the team and the industry as a whole. As the article below explains, operating at Zero Net Energy means "it will produce as much energy as it consumes on an annual basis. It's also expected to become certified as LEED Gold, which means it meets a range of holistic sustainability benchmarks, including material management, waste diversion, water conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and more." This not only raises the standard for future designs it also opens the door to the possibilities of even greater advancements as we continue to design forward thinking stations.

Check out this full article on SLC Greenblog for more information on this station